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I write occasional daft emails to fellow members of my woodturning club.  As we get new members, some of them are stupid enough to ask me for some of the older emails.  As time passes and the read them, they will learn never to ask again - but meanwhile I have to dig into my email archives and find old items and then send them one by one to the unlucky recipients.

You would think they would find more useful things to do with their lives than read the sad wittering's of this old fool and try to make something of their lives - but no!  Any that appear here will do so in reverse order, there are many reasons for this, but logic is the main driver.  If there is one thing I have - it is logic.  Not much else to be fair - but I do have logic.

I have only recently worked out how to put the pictures in, so many are still missing.  I will continue to work on it.

33 October 2017 - Happy Birthday KVWT

Writer's picture: Phil BoulterPhil Boulter

Sent: 01 October 2017 22:30 Subject: EXT || Happy Birthday KVWT

Right you lot – pin your ears back and listen up, always assuming this is possible when you are reading of course. (This reminds me of someone who once said the problem with the number Seven is that it smells more like the colour red?

There has not been a monthly drawl yet – and there is not going to be one in the next couple of days because I am really tied up doing an awful lot of work and upside down at home. I am about halfway through a bit of a blog about my adventures in America this month, more about that in the coming days.

Meanwhile – the time for this month’s meeting and demo is coming closer – and we are about to be 20 years old – which was largely why we were on the radio yesterday morning. (Thanks To Nigel Amor’s fantastic local knowledge – we even managed to succeed in the treasure hunt!!)

1. The October meeting

2. The Saturday birthday workshop

3. The Thatcham show

4. Don’t forget Christmas Arghhhh!!!!

The October meeting Tuesday 10th October

Let’s do the October club meeting first. We Welcome back ex-member – ex-committee member – Steve Giles. Steve is of course a long term friend of the club and married to Sheila, also ex-KVWT and Ex-committee and also the very lovely lady who prints all of our membership cards and calendars every year. Steve Giles was always a talented – and also adventurous wood turner, and has produced wonderful work for a long time. Steve will happily train people as well as taking on commission work. I bought my first lathe from Steve many years ago. If you are looking to take lessons locally – Steve is a very good choice. Even though I know steve – I decided, as usual, to see what the world-wide intertube says about him, so I put him onto goggle and this is what I found;

I know which one I would like it to be, what a magnificent pair!! (I mean the two photos of Steve!!). Let’s see which one turns up a week on Tuesday!! If it is the real Steve Giles who turns up I will be more than delighted – especially if he brings Sheila along with him.

The Saturday birthday workshop – Saturday 28th October.

We are almost coming of age. A big birthday beckons on 28th October, and we will be celebrating in style. The workshop this month will run all day, from 10.00am until 4.00pm. We will be asking as many ex-members as possible to come and see us, and hoping that old members as well as current members will bring their families along with them so that they can also see what it is we get up to twice a month and meet some of the people that we do it with.

We will have some of our work on display – endless supplies of tea and coffee and biscuits. Special chocolate biscuits for Terry as well. The morning will be a chance to show our families what we do, and we will also hope to get a visit from our new friends at BBC Radio Berkshire – possible as part of their treasure hunt. The Newbury weekly news have also been invited, and there will be a special celebration at 12.00 noon with some bubbly and some members who have been with us since the start of the club 20 years ago, Derek Prout and Bryan Clarke. One of these two is majorly responsible for the formation of the club. The afternoon will see us doing what normally do on a Saturday and do some turning, perhaps also with a demonstrator to put us in the mood.

It’s a birthday party – there will be food as well, so what with everything else, some old faces – some families (yours we hope!!) and the papers and Radio coming along is promises to be a good time.

The Thatcham show

Once a year we go onto the green at Thatcham, scare the locals and throw things at them, and that time is next week on Saturday 7th October. Come long and see us, come along and help us. Either way, come along and show your face and scare the heck out of us. We will have our normal display of goodies, as well as a lathe to demonstrate to the locals. The show normally goes all day up until about 4.00pm

Don’t forget Christmas Arghhhh!!!!

I know – but when you think about it we only have two meetings before the December meeting where we traditionally have a bit of a beano and enjoy ourselves in a different way. I have to ask this – but I there is anything other than a quiz on your mind then let me know. I am very happy to do it, and very happy to take a back seat if someone else wants to have a go at something, but surprisingly we do end up being short of time so whatever it is it should be brief.

That said – we do have a giggle, we have great food, a quiz, prizes and presentations and do our best to get in the Christmas spirit.

OK – that will do. I am sorry about the lack of humour this month – a lot on and no time to mess about too much, but I will try to come back with the holiday blog!

Above all, remember Steve Giles on the 10th October – and a special remember for the 28th for our Birthday party – please come along and support us and please bring your family and friends with you!

Keep well, see you on the 10th – or hopefully next week in Thatcham!

Kind Regards

Phil Boulter

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