What a treat.
Yesterday we had a last minute cancellation from Tony Halcrow – which was understandable because family comes first, the same from a few other people and there has to be a little doubt about how many people will turn up for an all day Saturday event which has been delayed, moved, and the content changes several times.
On Thursday Mike and Laney Allen worked wonders preparing food, beautiful sandwiches, sausage rolls and cakes. I should say that someone had a coronation chicken sandwich today and immediately said “Is this one of Laney’s? It is her specific taste and no-one else can achieve it” Top marks there Laney!!
Much help on the day from Dave Goss and Hazel who gave up a morning on the beach to be there and help, how generous.
Denis who brought the food from Mike and Laney, and did so much work in the kitchen preparing it with Hazel.
Sheila, who jointly with Steve Giles (next month’s demonstrator) brought a gift of wood and clocks kits to sell on behalf of club funds,
Sheila also hosted a very busy painting and pyrography section which was busy from the very start and was wonderfully successful.
Ray Brindley who brought his sharpening system for people to try (as did I) and Derek Prout who gamely helped people with sharpening education as ever.
Mike Head and Andrew Rowles, Colin Sims and Colin Cooper – all of whom were there to help visitors enjoy themselves. If I have forgotten anyone I am so sorry.
This might sound corny – but what a wonderful club to have so many people willing to do their bit – whether they can be there of not. The committee work hard to do this with the assistance of others – and despite a rocky year with the health of some of your committee members – we seem to get away with it with the generous support of the members who care as much as we do and fill the gaps as they appear!!
At one stage we had 54 people there, and I do believe they had a pretty good time. I know I did. I think we may have gained 2 or 3 new members today.
If you were there – thank you for coming. Thanks also to some of the ladies who helped with clearance and washing up. Lets do it again next year on a sunny day!!
Go Kennet Valley!!!!!
Phil Boulter
Vice Chairman
Kennet Valley Woodturners
M:07836 274345
H: 01635 826009